编辑:李恭新 时间:2023年08月18日 10:09 点击数: 来源: 文、图:刘飞

Title(I): Distributed Process Control Based on Dissipativity Theory

Title(II): Networked and Distributed Control Systems and Applications

Professor Jie Bao

The University of New South Wales, Australia

25 August, 2023, 14:00-15:40, C317


This talk will give an overview of a non-cooperative distributed control approach (including distributed model predictive control) based on the dissipativity theory. Complex process plants increasingly appear in modern chemical industry due to the considerable economic efficiency that complex and interactive process designs can offer. Due to the wide use of material recycles and heat integration, there are severe interactions between process units, which profoundly alter and complicate plantwide process dynamics. In this approach, a plantwide process is explicitly modelled as a network of interconnected process units (with both physical mass and energy flow and information flow) and controlled by a network of autonomous controllers. The plant-wide process and distributed control system are represented as two interacting process and controller networks, with interaction effects captured by the dissipativity properties of subsystems and network topologies. The plant-wide stability and performance conditions are developed based on global dissipativity conditions, which in turn are translated into the dissipative trajectory conditions that each local MPC must satisfy. This approach is enabled by the use of dynamic supply rates in quadratic difference forms, which capture detailed dynamic system information. Extensions such as distributed economic model predictive control using contraction theory will also be discussed.

Jie Bio

Dr Jie Bao is a professor at School of Chemical Engineering, UNSW. He is a Process Control expert of international repute, particularly in dissipativity/passivity-based process control. He is the Director of ARC Research Hub for Integrated Energy Storage Systems and also leads the Process Control Research Group. His research interests include dissipativity theory-based process control, networked and distributed control systems, system behavioural theory and control applications in membrane separation, flow batteries, coal preparation and Aluminium smelting. He has published extensively in major process control and chemical engineering journals. He is an Associate Editor of Journal of Process Control (an International Federation of Automatic Control affiliated journal) and Digital Chemical Engineering (an IChemE journal). He also serves on International Federation of Automatic Control Technical Committees: Chemical Process Control (TC6.1); Mining, Mineral and Metal Processing (TC6.2).

Title(III): Observability and detectability problems over sensor network

Professor Wangyan Li

University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China

25 August, 2023, 15:40-16:20, C317


Detectability and observability issues over sensor networks play an important role in the advance of distributed state estimation, particularly, distributed Kalman filtering. Due to a variety of reasons such as cost restrictions or geographic limitations, from a single node point of view, the system is likely to be locally undetectable. Hence, it is important to investigate the new detectability conditions to suit those kinds of situations, and further apply them to design the desirable distributed filters. In this talk, the speaker will summarize the latest development in this topic and present some results his collaborators and him have obtained.

Wangyan Li

       Wangyan Li received his B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering and automation in 2010 from Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, China, and Ph.D degree in system analysis and integration from the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, China in 2017.

       Dr. Li is currently an assosicate professor at the College of Science, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology. He was postdoctoral fellow with School of Chemical Engineering, UNSW, Sydney, Australia fromn August 2018 to January 2021. From August 2017 to August 2018, he was a research associate with Griffith School of Engineering, Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia. From November 2015 to January 2016, he was a research associate with the Department of Mathematics, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. He has published more than 20 papers in refereed international journals. He is also an active reviewer for many international journals. His current research interests include observability/detectability over sensor networks, plantwide fault detection and diagnosis, data-driven theory, and dissipativity theory.

上一条:2023年10月5日学术讲座 下一条:2023年8月17日学术报告

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